Friday, 29 June 2018

What you can do to deal with fly-tipping

Fly-tipping is a growing problem across the UK. Many lawbreakers will illegally use large areas like building sites as a dumping ground. For those in the construction industry, it can be time consuming, hazardous and costly, having to deal with someone else’s illegally disposed rubbish. The following guide, produced by agricultural insurance specialists Lycetts, outlines what processes are in place to deal with fly-tipping in the UK. It will also explore prevention methods you can implement on your site to deter fly-tippers.

What is regarded as fly-tipping?

Fly-tipping involves the illegal act of disposing of waste material on a land that is not licenced to receive it.

Common items that fall under fly-tipping are bags of rubbish, furniture like beds and mattresses, garden waste, and tyres.

Does fly-tipping happen a lot?

The Daily Telegraph reported on fly-tipping after a freedom of information request by ITV, which revealed the extent of Britain’s fly-tipping problem. Keep Britain Tidy’s chief executive, Allison Ogden-Newton, went as far as to say that the crime has reached “crisis levels” throughout the country.

Some parts of the UK have seen fly-tipping incidents rise by over a fifth year-on-year, according to The Daily Telegraph. For example, almost 40,000 reported incidents were recorded in the North London district of Haringey between November 2015 and December 2016, with more than 30,000 incidents also reported in Manchester over the same period.

Even with some parts of the country seeing a reduction in the number of fly-tipping cases, the issue is not yet resolved. In Birmingham, for instance, the number of fly-tipping cases are down by 13 per cent between November 2015 and December 2016. However, the figure during this period was still recorded at 21,000 offences.

Ms Ogden-Newton observed that: “Fly-tipping is an epidemic, it’s reached crisis levels and something needs to be done about it. Local authorities are overwhelmed with instances of criminal fly-tipping and we need to address this urgently.”

Fly-tipping is a particular problem in Scotland, says James Cuthbertson, an account executive at Lycetts. Near to 61,000 fly-tipping incidents are recorded in this country every single year, Mr Cuthbertson has found.

He also said: “The culprits tend to think of this practice as a victimless crime; but estimates put the cost to Scottish tax payers at £8.9 million a year to clear and dispose of tipped rubbish from council land. Farmers and other countryside custodians must meet the cost of clearing rubbish from private land themselves, at an average of £1,000 a time.”

Is fly-tipping prosecutable?

Efforts are in place to try and discourage fly-tipping.

Figures from the BBC show 1,602 prosecutions were made across England for fly-tipping between 2016 and 2017. What’s more, 98 per cent of prosecutions made resulted in a conviction. During the same time period, councils across England served 56,000 fixed penalty notices with regard to cases of fly-tipping.

What are the penalties for fly-tipping?

Carrying a penalty of an unlimited fine and five years’ imprisonment, fly-tipping is marked as a serious crime. It is also important to note that those who permit fly-tipping to take place on their land or any land that they rent will also be committing a fly-tipping offence.

With that said, Mr Cuthbertson points out: “Fines of up to £40,000 can be imposed but, given budgetary constraints, the pursuit of fly tippers is well down the list of priorities of councils and the police. Furthermore, it is hard to gather evidence to bring a successful prosecution.”

What can I do if I am a victim of fly-tipping?

You are responsible for clearing away any rubbish on your site, even if you are a victim of fly-tipping.

Fly-tipped waste may be dangerous, so do be careful when dealing with it. Bags and drums should not be opened, and piles of soil should be a cause for alarm bells as the material could be contaminated or hiding dangerous material.

Record details about the waste you have discovered on your site. This includes where you located the waste, as well as taking photographs if possible. After all details have been recorded, report the case of fly-tipping to your local authority:

  • Those in England and Wales should head to this GOV.UK page and report fly-tipping by first entering the postcode where the waste has been discovered.
  • Those in Scotland should report fly-tipping waste by either filling in a simple online form on or contacting Stopline directly by calling 0845 2 30 40 90.
  • Those in Northern Ireland should head to and find details for their local council, who will be able to advise on the waste disposal sites and recycling centres based nearby for the safe and legal recycling or disposal of unwanted items.

After reporting the waste, secure it to prevent any unwanted interference or additions to it.

There are measures to consider when the waste is being moved away as well. First and foremost, do not take the waste to a licensed site yourself unless you’re registered as a waste carrier. If hazardous waste has been identified, it should only be carried and then disposed of by someone who is licensed to deal with hazardous waste.

If a third party is required to deal with the waste for you, make sure they give you the required documentation. It should include details about the waste and those who are taking it away. Keep all information about clearance and disposal costs safe, as these can be recovered in the event a successful prosecution is made against the crime committed.

“In the event you wake one morning to find the midnight cowboys have paid you a visit, if the problem is severe, it is worth consulting with your insurance broker,” Mr Cuthbertson says.

If you spot someone actively fly-tipping on your site, your own safety is priority. As the practice is illegal, people are unlikely to take kindly to their crime being observed. Do not confront the guilty parties, but instead immediately call 999 and then make a note the number of people involved, descriptions of their appearances, details about the waste being fly-tipped and information about any vehicles used — this includes the makes of the vehicles, their colours and their registration numbers if you can make it out.

What can I do to prevent fly-tipping on my site?

There are steps you can take to reduce the risk of fly-tippers visiting you.

Making sure any gates are closed and locked when not being used will secure your site from fly-tippers. Strategically placing physical barriers around the perimeter can also make it difficult for fly-tipper’s vehicles to get through.

The risk of being caught is also a very effective deterrent. Therefore, work on improving visibility all around your property and its land, make sure high-quality exterior lighting is installed and in working condition, and set up CCTV cameras and appropriate signs alerting people of the technology’s presence.

from The UK Construction Blog

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Strong Structures: 5 Construction Materials Used to Construct Durable Buildings

Since the dawn of time, mankind has constantly been evolving. Ancient Neanderthals took advantage of nature’s resources and used caves, forests, and mountainous regions as places of refuge. These natural shelters provided protection from the elements, ferocious predators, and rival tribes.

Throughout history, mankind has also consistently shown its remarkable ability to survive and evolve. As groups of people migrated from one area to another, they realized that the need to construct their own shelter was imminent.

Early materials in prehistoric times used for the construction of shelter included tree branches, animal bones and hides, and stones. As the human race continued to evolve, it realized that the durability of a structure was very important and began to find and create new materials to use in order to build larger and more efficiently designed places of refuge.

Other common building materials used in times past included wood, straw, bricks, and stone. Fast-forward to modern times and you’ll see the likes of concrete, steel, glass, and other metals being used in the construction of buildings. With that, let’s take a look at 5 of the most durable materials used to build structures today.


Given that wood is one of the Earth’s most abundant resources, it is one of the earliest materials used to create shelters. Tree branches were cut and used as poles to hold up a canvas such as animal hide, cloth, or other types of fabric.

Wood is light and easy enough to carry around in small amounts, is relatively cheaper, and its natural colours blend in well with other materials. However, some of the downsides to using wood are that it decays or rots faster and has a lot of natural enemies including moisture, fire, and termites.


This natural material is durable and strong and can hold a heavy vertical weight. However, it is conversely extremely heavy, difficult to quarry, and special tools and equipment are needed to properly prepare it for use.

As such, stone has been replaced by other materials that are cheaper and easier to manufacture, but that still doesn’t mean it’s without purpose. Although admittedly, the use of stone in construction is now limited to decorative items, full stone houses were widely used during the Neolithic period. Temples in Europe and China still show us today how widely stone was used in construction during ancient times.


Bricks were originally made by creating clay and then drying it in the sun to harden. Earliest forms of bricks were crafted by the Egyptians, but the method was further improved upon by the ancient Assyrians who found that baking them in an oven (called a kiln) produced stronger and more fortified bricks.

Initially, the clay for the bricks was formed using only hands, feet (by stomping), and with the help of animals such as oxen to mash and mix the clay. Future generations used wooden frames with which to place the clay thus giving the square shape.

Bricks are still used widely in construction today, as they provide a cool place of refuge and reduce the risk of fire hazards.


Concrete is the most widely used material for construction by humans today. It’s composed of an aggregate such as sand, slag, and gravel mixed with a binder like cement.

Concrete is strong, versatile in its application, and flexible in usage. Concrete use can be dated back to the time of the Romans, with such magnificent structures as the Colosseum of Rome still standing as a testament to its strength.

Today, concrete is widely used because of its fairly inexpensive price tag and overall great benefits. It has excellent thermal mass which means it’ll sufficiently cool down the inside of the house enough to reduce energy requirements by 17%. It uses less energy to produce and leaves a smaller carbon footprint.


At the end of the Iron Age, mankind discovered how to smelt different elements to create steel. The alloy is produced by combining carbon, iron, and various other elements including manganese, nickel, chromium, and molybdenum.

Steel is synonymous with strength and durability. It is very light compared to timber and thus, easily transported from one location to another. Can be easily adapted to suit an owner’s requirement. It’s a also an affordable choice as stated by Cost Figures.

The introduction of steel as a mainstream material in building construction marks the beginning of a new era of economic progress as we look towards the future and continue to evolve and survive as we have since the beginning.

from The UK Construction Blog

Monday, 25 June 2018

How a roll-up banner can help maximise your ROI

Once you have your new banners and printed products for marketing, you have to consider where best to place them. Put them up in an ineffective location and you won’t see a good return on your investment!

We’ve teamed up with Where The Trade Buys, a UK-based print company who offers a variety of banners such as roll up banners, to take a look at the best spots to display your printed adverts.

Your own location

People won’t spend forever looking for your building and may become frustrated if they cannot access the health services they need. This is highlighted by the fact employees in the UK are working more overtime than ever before with 60% of those asked stating that they don’t have a good work-life balance, according to a study published in The Independent last year.


Therefore, take a moment to consider your location. Are you easy to find? Even if you’re slightly off the high street, tucked away around a sharp corner or sandwiched between two larger buildings; you could run the risk of clients giving up on finding you. By placing your roll up banner in a location that signposts your building, you can direct your customers, as well as advertise your brand to the general public. Use bold fonts and colours to highlight your address and tell people which other shops you’re next to or opposite so they can quickly work out where you are. If you’re thinking about placing these outdoors, make sure you opt for a quality PVC or vinyl banner to make sure your ad can endure the weather for maximum return on your spend.

The entrance way

Your brand doesn’t end at the front door. The sleek dimensions of a roll up banner will allow it to stand conspicuously in the corner of your foyer or next to your reception desk, while not overpowering the room and making it look cluttered.


Studies show that many of us form an impression of something as quickly as one tenth of a second, which means you don’t have someone’s attention for long! Designing an eye-catching roll up banner that not only features complementary colours — perhaps matching your reception décor — pleasant fonts and nice imagery, but also highlights interesting information about your company might be another helpful marketing factor to convert sales from new customers and boost brand loyalty among current clients. Are you still a family-run company? Have you recently added another line of products to your range? Just reached five or ten years in business? Achievements like these matter to people who walk through your door, and the beauty of a roll up banner is that you have the space to advertise snippets of success stories — unlike with a small leaflet, for example.


According to an article by the Economist, the immediate entryway to your building is the ‘decompression zone’. This is because customers need to momentarily ‘slow down’ to assess their new surroundings and assess which products are on offer. As a result, this is a great place for promotional material. Even if you don’t have a reception area, you can simply place your roll up banner just inside the entrance for the same powerful marketing affect — another way to boost ROI.

Away at exhibitions and shows

Eventbrite put the UK events industry as worth a staggering £42.3 billion, with 1.3 million business events held every year. Corporate hospitality accounts for around £1.2 billion, while exhibitions comprise £11 billion and conferences make up the lion’s share at £19.9 billion! But, how do you maximise your exposure when you’re surrounded by so many other brands? Clearly, this industry is big business and you don’t want your company to get left behind if you aren’t active in trade shows and corporate gatherings.


Banners and printed media can help leave an imprint on people’s minds much better than digital alternatives. If you want to stand out against your competitors at a major recruitment exhibition and create that bond to entice people to come over, why not design an attractive, descriptive roll up banner and place it next to your stand? According to a study carried out in the US, participants that viewed print media showed a greater emotional response for it and were able to recall its details better than they could for digital ads. If it’s eye-catching enough, it will draw potential partners and employees to your table where you can begin discussing the key details of your business.


With a printed banner, your audience is much more likely to remember you after the show’s end than if you had no banner displayed at all.

Display in your windows

Your window (if you have one) is a great place to get information out to your clients and customers. 80% of people admit they are ‘promotion sensitive’, showing a tendency to notice promotions and notices in windows. Highlighting a special discount on your roll up banner placed in your store window will give your offer excellent visibility to help bring foot traffic in-store. Also, research shows that discounts can make it less probable that people will then compare your range with your competitors’! Remember to use contrasting colours and large text to highlight your offer on your banner.


Linda Cahan, store design and display consultant in an article published in Entrepreneur: “Each window should tell a story”. If you have floor-length windows, simply angle your roll up banner so it is clearly visible to people and cars coming from all directions. Or, use a platform to give your advert height so it can be easily seen. A strong and alluring window display can be the difference between a potential customer stepping inside your building and walking or driving by it. Are you making the most of this key piece of promotional space?

Awards and shortlists should be shown

Have you been shortlisted or won an award? There are countless ceremonies for every industry taking place across the UK throughout the year. An essential to good marketing Is spotting how you can hallmark your brand when you’re surrounded by competitors at a special event?


Stay in the focus of people’s minds with a printed advert displaying your achievement, which as previously mentioned, tends to be more effective than digital adverts. A Canadian study sound that three quarters of people could remember a brand after viewing it via a print media ad. Conversely, only two-fifths were able to recall the company after seeing it on a digital platform. To boost ROI, create a well-structured roll up banner or two that can act as backdrops to any interviews you hold or videos/photos you take when your staff are at the awards event. Colour, design, content, and imagery are important characteristics — only use complementary colours, clear layouts, insightful text, and high-quality resolutions. Hashtags, contact information and your brand logo are also essentials. Then, share your snaps or videos on social media to spread brand awareness!


Be aware that not every event is suitable for promotional material, such as red-carpet-style award ceremonies. However, some are very business-based and can last all day before the awards section takes place in the evening. In which case, use this time to promote your brand on social media and YouTube. A creative, attention-grabbing roll up banner stamped with your brand logo and key information you want customers or prospective employees to know will work wonders to promote what you do.


There are so many places a roll-up banner can be an asset to you and your ROI. Bear these key tips in mind to maximise your ROI!

from The UK Construction Blog

How To Manage Dangerous Substances In The Workplace

How To Manage Dangerous Substances In The Workplace

Some industries are notorious for putting their workers at risk. In construction, for instance, news of workers falling from scaffolds, getting crushed by lorries, or cutting, burning or electrocuting themselves rarely make news headlines.

According to a study by health and safety consultant Arinite, 1.36 in every 100,000 construction workers died in the UK in 2017 due to a work accident. Cases of dangerous working conditions resulting in injuries, accidents and huge consequent penalty fines are widespread on the HSE.

Infamous incidents, like Alton Towers, bring awareness to slack health and safety precautions and their tragic consequences. However, not every danger in the workplace is as well-known and taken care of as slips, traps and plugged-in chain-saws.

Dangerous Consequences

Last year, the HSE recorded 137 fatal injuries to workers across all industries in total. The number of lung disease deaths linked to past exposure at work is estimated to be about 12,000 per year.

Long-term health issues from exposure to dangerous substances frequently include asthma, leukaemia or cancer – and workers don’t notice the threat until it is too late. Indeed, compared to a slip, the source of danger can be much more difficult to detect. Yet, the UK is facing an issue that seems to have been neglected for far too long.

In Europe, more than 38% of all enterprises reported using potentially dangerous chemicals in their workplace. To make sure that businesses prioritise their employee’s health and safety, protecting them against occupational diseases, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work has created a new campaign, called Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances 2018-19. They are asking for an improved prevention culture to decrease the number of workplace-related illnesses and health risks on both the manufacturers and the consumers’ side.

Many workers don’t realise the dangers they are facing in the workplace every day. At first sight, substances like paint, glue or detergent seem slightly unpleasant to work with at most, but don’t strike as potentially life-threatening chemicals.

However, long-term exposure can turn those seemingly harmless products potent disease triggers. Fine dust, like flour, can trigger asthma when inhaled on a regular basis. Wet cement can lead to chemical burns. Damp vegetable or fruit might cause fungus infections or dermatitis. Pesticides increase the risk of developing leukaemia. And that’s just a brief glimpse into a long list of products many workers are dealing with on a regular basis.

In order to improve working conditions of those exposed, the new campaign is addressing three topics in particular:

  • Raising Awareness

Often, low awareness is at the heart of the problem. If a worker is not aware they are working with a harmful substance, sensible handling is practically impossible. Everyone potentially exposed to chemicals or biological substances needs to be trained and informed thoroughly. Only then can risks be handled, reduced and eliminated.

But raising awareness does not just apply to workers – it needs to involve everyone in the work process, from manual labour worker to manager, to the consumer. Chemicals like asbestos can cause health problems even decades after initially used as they remain in our daily lives as part of our houses, workplaces and public spaces.

Helping companies understand that using these substances may cause severe illnesses to their staff and also outsiders further down the line, is crucial when trying to establish a healthy business approach.

  • Risk Assessment

Internally, every health and safety plan starts with a risk assessment. But unfortunately, sometimes an audit doesn’t fully uncover all safety hazards. Only an experienced, competent consultant will be able to identify those often hard-to-spot dangers – like invisible, but toxic, gases. An assessment should involve identifying and erasing risks by making sure that every employee knows how to handle potentially dangerous situations.

Also, since working environments change, new people get hired, and memories fade, regular health and safety training is necessary. Ideally, a safety officer should check for unidentified hazards and educate workers, managers, and employers every six months.

In terms of health and safety laws, a good grasp of legislation is needed to understand where employer’s legal responsibilities lie and how to ensure the business is compliant.

  • Practical Effects

Even with a comprehensive health and safety policy written down, realising those guidelines in practice is a completely different story. Safety instructions printed on the wall do not guarantee people reading and following them. Access to safety gear and protective clothing does not mean workers will use it.

Monitoring staff and establishing the benefits of sticking to the safety policy is very important. People don’t like to blindly follow rules, so educating them about dangers that could potentially affect them personally, will help with ensuring they are taking the advice to heart.

If any instructions or training sessions leave behind unanswered questions or uncertainty with the staff, management needs to follow up and make sure those questions are answered right away.


Companies need to start working towards a healthy, sustainable future right now, prioritising their workers’ well-being. It is not surprising that manual jobs are becoming less attractive to young job-seekers as other industries attract with much better working conditions.

But manual work doesn’t have to be dirty and dangerous – it can be a rewarding and fruitful environment to work in when employers are setting the right frame for it.

from The UK Construction Blog

Thursday, 21 June 2018


The first large build-to-rent project in Nottingham, designed by architects maber and built by Winvic Construction for the Cassidy Group and Cording Real Estate Group is now on site.

The 350-apartment Saffron Court project is already proving a catalyst for the regeneration of the City’s south side with a neighbouring development now also underway.

Saffron Court is being developed by the Cassidy Group and Cording Real Estate Group on the former Hicking Pentecost site near London Road.

On this project maber are is providing architecture and landscape design services, and assisted the developer to secure planning consent for a revised scheme layout through a Section 73 agreement, which was granted by the city council in January this year. The practice are also working on comparable build to rent projects for clients in the capital.

Associate Director Tim Boxford, the project lead for maber, said: “It’s exciting to see this project really kick-starting the area. We’ve combined contemporary design and materials with more traditional materials, and ensured the scale of the development is in keeping with the historic Hicking Pentecost warehouse.”

In common with the new generation of build-to-rent developments, the scheme includes a host of facilities to serve the development’s mix of studio and two-bedroom apartments. These range from under-croft parking to a communal residents’ lounge on the ground floor and two large, raised courtyard and landscaped terraces at the first floor level.

A central reception, with concierge service as well as post and grocery storage, will be provided as well as a gym and a meeting space.

The apartments have private balconies and terraces with the larger apartments offering walk-through wardrobes between two double bedrooms and en suite bathrooms. Ground floor units have direct access to the street, breathing new life into the local streetscape.

The scheme is due to complete in June next year.

from The UK Construction Blog

Monday, 18 June 2018

Aarsleff Ground Engineering commences piling for 220,000sq ft extension, in Hull

Clugston Construction awarded Aarsleff Ground Engineering the piling contract for a £25m extension to the National Distribution Centre in Hull for workwear and safety equipment supplier, Arco. The 220,000sq ft extension will double Arco’s current warehousing and logistics capacity. The build is part of Arco’s £55m investment initiative to support its ambitious growth plans.

Aarsleff are installing over 3000 No. precast concrete pile, 250 and 350mm, up to 21m in length with their Junttan Pmx22 and Banut 700 rigs. Currently, Aarsleff are on site with 4 rigs and a 70t hydraulic crawler crane.

Aarsleff Ground Engineering commenced work on the 14th May, with a completion date expected mid-July.  The new facility is set for completion in summer 2019.

Syed Ali, Aarsleff’s project manager, said “We have benefitted from a thorough preliminary trial piling exercise carried out on site in early April ahead of the main works to provide the information required by Clugston Constructions consulting engineers (HBPW LLP) to design the overall pile layout.

We are on target to deliver another successful project for Clugston Construction with whom we share a good longstanding working relationship”

Aarsleff Ground Engineering have worked closely with Clugston Construction and HBPW LLP on identifying the most safe and efficient way to execute piling works on a site. So far, Aarsleff’s site team are doing a great job of bettering their anticipated rig output on site with the cooperation of Clugston Construction site management who have prepared our working area to a high standard, enabling us to optimise our productivity and plan works ahead.

About Clugston Group:

Clugston Group was established in 1937 by the current Chairman’s father. The Group, which has offices and operations in Scunthorpe, Leeds, Stockton-on-Tees, Bromsgrove, Billingham, Driffield, Aberthaw, Ashbourne and Haydock, has built a reputation for safely delivering a wide variety of service and projects for customers in the public and private sectors. The company has featured in The Sunday Times Profit Track 100, The Sunday Times Top Track 250 and been celebrated in the London Stock Exchange’s 1,000 Companies to Inspire Britain report.

For further information about Clugston visit:

from The UK Construction Blog

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Trussed rafter industry ready for the next generation

New talent, new leadership, new structure and embracing new technology were just some of the highlights from the Trussed Rafter Association (TRA) Annual AGM, which took place last month.

One of the key speakers, Alison Watson, founder of Class of Your Own, inspired delegates when talking about the Design Engineer Construct! programme. She explained how easily the construction industry can collaborate with local schools to give a taste of what a career in the built environment is really like.

Celebrations were in order for two trussed rafter designers who achieved the highest scores in the TRA’s online training. Top scorers Frank Kyne of Wyckham Blackwell and Gabor Vince of Taylor Lane Timber Frame Ltd, will travel to Sweden courtesy of Vida Wood, to visit the forest and mill to experience the felling and logging process.

The AGM was the first official TRA event with Nick Boulton as chief executive and he took the opportunity to announce a new structure to help the TRA move with the fast pace of construction.

Regional chairs will become project champions for this year, heading up an array of projects that were also announced at the AGM. Projects include the spandrel panel guide that will also cover care homes and apartments; the development of a gable panel guide; updates to the installation guide; and a quality assurance scheme for clad panels designed to make checking the specification easier for building control.

Fire safety was another key issue and leading building inspector, Geoff Wilkinson, warned of how the repercussions of Grenfell Tower rippled across the whole construction industry, not just those whose products had been used on the tower.

Geoff gave a comprehensive history of building regulations starting with the Great Fire of London in 1666 and fast tracking to the 1980s. Since then many changes have been made to building regulations and Geoff spoke of how ambiguous they are. At the time of the AGM, the Hackitt Report had not been published but Geoff warned the members to be ready and vigilant to ensure that their products are not substituted and to check that certification can prove their products are genuine.

With Brexit looming, technical standards and the need to embrace technology for the future were discussed. The TRA is now a ‘Relevant Authority’ for BIM, as granted by the CPA for LEXiCON to ensure that all trussed rafters and metal web joists are consistently represented in BIM models. All members comply with BIM Level 2 protocols and earlier in the year committed to using Eurocode 5 for all new drawings and for all legacy drawings from 1 July 2018.

Delegates also received feedback on the success of the new TRA website and how it is helping housebuilders and roofing professionals to find information more easily and get answers to technical queries.

TRA chairman, Jonathan Fellingham, closed the AGM by highlighting the importance of inspiring the next generation to consider a career in the construction industry, and the need for members to find robust solutions to fire safety.

from The UK Construction Blog

Monday, 11 June 2018

Vienna summer study programme shows what makes the city tick

For nine years running, Vienna has been named the best city to live in – and two study programmes taking place this summer help capture the stand-out factors which help make the Austrian capital so desirable.


The Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS) summer school and Green.Building.Solutions. (GBS) offer insight, fact-finding visits and the latest thinking from a city which has consistently taken the top slot in the Mercer Quality of Living City Rankings.


AEMS takes place this year between 25 July and 10 August, and GBS between 21 July to 12 August.


The OeAD-Housing Office – part of Austria’s national agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research – operates both AEMS and GBS under a not-for-profit arrangement.


Included in the fee are all social and cultural activities, as well as accommodation in one of OeAD’s passive house student residences in Vienna.


The accommodation is also included as part of the fee for almost a week following each programme, enabling those participants to explore the city at leisure.


Günther Jedliczka, CEO of the OeAD-Housing Office, said: “Both AEMS and GBS attract exceptional lecturers and forward-thinking, astute students who are committed to a more sustainable future.


“AEMS draws in a global following among students of all ages and from all walks of life who are looking for a common solution to tackle financial uncertainty.


“It looks at alternatives to the current boom and bust economic cycle and explores the economy of the future and how it can adapt to balance some of the turmoil, strains and challenges of modern life.


“GBS is another international programme, which brings together passive house and sustainable, smart city expertise from across the globe to identify ways to make buildings more sustainable.


“It receives applications from students and professionals alike in the field of architecture and professions relating to the built environment, who want to learn how to develop new skills to design and build sustainable cities in an environment that includes workshops, lectures, fact-finding visits and insight from world-leading academics.”


The course cost for AEMS is €1390, while GBS is priced at €2,490 for professionals and €2,000 for students.


More details about both AEMS and GBS – including testimonials from 2017’s participants – can be found at


Places are limited and the deadline for applications for both programmes is 30 June, 2018.


from The UK Construction Blog

Friday, 8 June 2018

Almost six million claimed back in tax by construction workers

UK construction workers have claimed back almost £6 million in overpaid tax this year, according to figures from tax recovery specialist Brian Alfred.

The leading tax recovery firm for workers using the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) or Pay As You Earn (PAYE) schemes, has reclaimed rebates of more than £5.7 million in the last 12 months.

Derek Kelly, CEO of Brian Alfred said: “It’s been another big year for rebates, with almost six million reclaimed for our clients, and to be honest that’s the tip of the iceberg. Around a third of workers on PAYE and CIS schemes are overpaying tax, but often don’t reclaim money which is rightfully theirs.” 

Since Brian Alfred started they’ve recovered more than £36 million in overpaid tax and Derek added: “Workers often forget to claim back expenses such as travel, uniforms and equipment they’ve had to purchase or even food bought during their working day. There’s a huge range of work expenses where you can claim back the VAT and end up with a nice windfall.

“On average, workers who come to us recover around £1,500 in tax rebates. This year though we saw some rebates as big as £10,000!”

Brian Alfred has broken down the average rebate claim by region over the last 12 months. Workers in Northern Ireland came out on top, receiving an average of £1,979 from the HMRC as a result of overpaid tax. However it was a worker in Gloucester who received the biggest windfall of £10,200 from the HMRC.

The breakdown on tax rebates by region is as follows:

Northern Ireland               £1,979.16

South West                       £1,727.93

Greater London                 £1,712.99

Wales                               £1,706.50

North West                       £1,683.09

South East                        £1,681.96

Scotland                           £1,678.07

East Midlands                   £1,635.61

North East                       £1,635.27

West Midlands                 £1,631.61

Workers who are either part of the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) or Pay As You Earn (PAYE) are all eligible to apply and rebates can be claimed for the last four tax years.

Derek added: “You can claim refunds for a range of things, but regulations are complicated, and it can take an expert to get the correct amount of rebate from the HMRC.” 

Brian Alfred is one of the UK’s leading CIS and PAYE tax rebate specialists and has helped thousands of people get their tax rebates, some in as little as 24 hours. 

To find out if you could qualify for a tax rebate visit their free online tax rebate calculator

from The UK Construction Blog